A young girl back-to-school shopping

This Year, Save Money on Back-to-School Shopping With These Easy Tricks

School is almost back in session! But, as exciting as the back-to-school season can be, it also comes with added financial stress for many. Stores are stocked up with the newest clothing trends, and essentials like textbooks, notebooks, bags, and more can add up quickly. 

Luckily, you can take advantage of a few tricks and tips to keep costs low and get the most bang for your buck. Here are four ways you can make it through back-to-school shopping without breaking the bank. 

Understand the Buying Landscape

Everyone wants to look and feel their best when school starts. And with a lot of students returning to in-person classes for the first time in over a year, there’s even more pressure to “start fresh” and keep up appearances. 

There’s also a lot of pressure put on businesses to make up for lost revenue, which means we can all expect more advertising than usual.

All that pressure can create a buying environment where impulse purchases win out. So one of the easiest ways you can save is by understanding the science behind what makes us buy.

This article has a great collection of frequently used marketing tactics to help you get started. When you’re out shopping, take note of how many of these tactics are at play! 

Shop Closets and Storage First  

Clothes are an essential aspect of back-to-school shopping, and they can hike up the cost quickly. While there’s nothing wrong with getting a new outfit or two for picture day and the first day of school, one of the easiest ways you can save money this season is to shop your closet first.

US consumers, on average, purchase as much as one new item of clothing every week. And spending has only been increasing over the years. With all the new clothes coming into our closets, it can be easy to forget that stylish shirt hidden in the back. 

Shopping your closet and storage spaces (if you rotate your wardrobe every season) can be a great way to rediscover old favorites while saving money. 

Can’t find anything in your closet? Why not trade with a friend and shop each other’s collections?

Create A Budget

This tip isn’t anything new, but it’s so often overlooked! After looking through your belongings, (and possibly your friends’ as well), the best thing you can do to set yourself up for successful savings is to create a budget. 

With some simple research online to get average prices of the items you need and your previously-gained knowledge on all the tactics used to get you to pay more, you’ll be armed and ready to hit the stores without spending more than necessary. 

Your budget will help you decide which items you’re willing to splurge on and which items you can get cheap. 

Shop Discount Stores to Save on Essentials

Whenever we go back to the classroom, there is always a list of essentials needed. Paper, pencils, binders, and even essential clothing like socks. These items aren’t anything special. Paper is paper is paper, right?

When it comes to these essentials, take advantage of discount stores like The Dollar Tree and others. These stores almost always carry essentials, and they are a great way to save money, so you have some wiggle room for more customizable items like clothing or a backpack. 

Set Yourself Up For Success This Back-To-School Shopping Season

These tips should get you on the path to a stress-free back-to-school season. But, if budgets are still tight, DEXSTA Federal Credit Union is there to help clients secure affordable short-term personal loans so everyone can feel prepared for the school year ahead. 


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