woman calculates credit union dividends

How Credit Union Dividends Make Your Money Work For You

There are a lot of benefits to joining a credit union. And one of the biggest benefits happens to be a member favorite—credit union dividends. In fact, it’s how DEXSTA starts paying you. Now that it’s 2020, it’s time we find some ways to make your money work for you. But exactly how do credit union dividends work? With DEXSTA, you can keep your money safe with us and get paid while you do it.

What are Credit Union Dividends?

When you deposit money in a credit union account, you become a member of the credit union. And we pay you in dividends—an amount paid on an interest-bearing deposit account. With dividends, we pay you for banking locally and keeping your money safe with us. 

How Do Credit Unions Pay You?

The DEXSTA Credit Union dividend system works because of members like you. While your account balance doesn’t change, we’re able to use the base value of your deposits to fund loans, mortgages, and lines of credit to other members. As a result, DEXSTA pays out an annual dividend to every one of our members with an account. 

It’s our way of saying, “Thank you.”

How Much Can You Earn?

The more you save, the more you earn. For example, a Kasasa Cash account pays you 2.5% back on your deposit every year. Depending on your starting balance, that can be a significant chunk of cash!

Become a DEXSTA Member

Your DEXSTA account helps keep the whole credit union cycle moving. And DEXSTA’s credit union dividends compared to some of the other top APY rates in the nation are second to none. 

If you’re not a member yet, that’s okay. You can contact DEXSTA during our regular business hours. And remember, the more you deposit, the more money you’ll make through your monthly dividend. You can’t say the same thing when you join a typical bank. 



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