dexsta school supplies

DEXSTA holds school supply drive for Bayard Middle School

DEXSTA Federal Credit Union, Wilmington Delaware. During the months of June and July, members and staff collected school supplies for Bayard Middle School. DEXSTA had a goal of filling 400 book bags, one for each student of Bayard. The goal was a big one but we made it. On August 29, members of CUBIC, Credit Union Bright Ideas committee, and Jerry King, President CEO, handed each student a full book bag.

Bayard Middle School is an inner city school. The students have to overcome many obstacles every day to attend school. DEXSTA has “adopted” Bayard in an effort to help the students be as successful as possible. For the past four years, DEXSTA has collaborated with Bayard through the Bank at School program to bring financial literacy to the school. DEXSTA sets up a small mobile branch one day a week in the cafeteria from 10:30 am until 1:00 pm so students can open a savings account. DEXSTA also gives talks in the classroom on the importance of saving for the future and good credit.

About DEXSTA Federal Credit Union

DEXSTA Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution that provides various saving and lending products to its members. DEXSTA serves anyone who lives, works, and worships or attend school in New Castle County, Delaware. more information

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