financial literacy with banzai and DEXSTA

How DEXSTA’s Partnership with Banzai is Improving Members’ Financial Literacy

Recent studies indicate that our country has a growing problem with financial literacy. According to annual surveys, the U.S. ranks 14th in the world when it comes to understanding our finances. What’s worse is that the country’s ranking has been dropping for years. To help turn the tide, DEXSTA has partnered with financial literacy leader, Banzai.

Financial Literacy Through Banzai

With Banzai’s education platform leading the way, DEXSTA can bring financial literacy to every single member. It’s a program for all ages that teaches students the value of a dollar. Since there are different economic scenarios generally associated with where you’re at in life, Banzai Junior, Teen, and Plus serve three various age groups. For instance, you may be trying to open your first DEXSTA savings account, pay back student loans, or apply for a new mortgage. No matter what it is, DEXSTA has you covered with the help of Banzai. 

Going to College

Banzai’s “Going to College” guide helps DEXSTA members calculate their tuition fees, set a budget, and even find a place to live that’s within their means. All while being conscious of how to manage student debt. For first-generation college students, this can be a tremendous relief. 

Coaches that Help You Get Out of Debt

If you’re already working towards financial freedom, DEXSTA members can take Banzai Coaching Sessions that help them get out of debt. You and your coach will discover your debt-free date, set goals that expedite the process, and search for any other opportunities that could further help your situation.  


Buying a Home

When buying your first home, there’s a lot of research you’ll need to do before the house-hunting begins. Banzai helps DEXSTA members calculate their mortgage and establish expectations. When you’re ready, you can speak with DEXSTA about taking out a home loan and make this dream a reality. 


Working Together

DEXSTA and Banzai came together with one simple goal: to improve the financial literacy of every DEXSTA member. We believe that an educated DEXSTA member can better utilize our services, and we can help you accomplish your goals together. Whether you’re preparing for college, getting out of debt, or financing a mortgage, Banzai can help you navigate life’s financial changes. 

For more information on how the credit union and Banzai can help your financial literacy, contact a DEXSTA representative today

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