If you’re like millions of other Americans, you have student loan debt that just keeps compounding. Either you’re paying it off in increments, or it’s just sitting there, accruing interest at skyrocketing rates. But did you know you could create a plan to pay off your student debt with a DEXSTA personal loan? Refinance your loans and obtain a more friendly interest rate than the rate your loan is currently accruing under.
Reassess Your Student Loan Rates
Do you know how much you owe? Better yet, what is the interest rate on each loan? There could be multiple, and they may be inflating your debt. With the average student debt in America close to $32,000, you may be one of many searching for a better strategy to pay it all back. A DEXSTA personal loan can offer you a competitive rate and help you get your debt under control.
Consolidate Your Debt
Often, student loans are distributed under multiple lenders. Usually the federal government and private loan handlers work in conjunction to fund higher education. Unfortunately, when your debt isn’t all in one place, payments can fall through the cracks. We don’t want that. And, if you have high-interest rate balances, they can be crippling to your portfolio. As a member, you can consolidate those loans with a DEXSTA personal loan. Instead of having multiple student loans with a variety of interest rates, you can have one set interest rate. That means one easy monthly payment that’s simple to track.
Get In Touch with DEXSTA Today
You don’t have to pay off your student debt alone. At DEXSTA, we can do this work together. After all, we’re in the business of lending to change lives. Your financial freedom from crippling student debt matters to us. And we’re here to support our members every step of the way. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch, and let’s pay off your debt together.