Finding the right financial institution can often feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. While traditional banks might have great offers on credit cards, accounts, and loan options, they also tend to come with hidden fees. On the other hand, opting for a credit union in Delaware can be a great way to stay connected to the community. But most credit unions have a bad reputation for being outdated.
Luckily, our clients get to have their cake and eat it too! As a full-service credit union offering affordable loan rates and unmatched community support, DEXSTA Federal Credit Union keeps your financial needs at the forefront of the business.
Full-Service Suite of Digital Tools
When you choose to bank with DEXSTA, you’re working with a credit union that’s built for the future. Our members have access to all the conveniences of a modern financial institution. For example, digital wallets make it easy to spend card-free and online banking allows for go-the-go money management.
Competitive Loan and Account Rates
At DEXSTA, we believe everyone should have access to the essential loans, credit, and accounts they need to thrive. That’s why we’ve lowered the bar when it comes to qualifying for essential loan services. We offer a wide range of loan services, including home, auto, and even personal loans with easy online applications for pre-approval.
We also take the pain out of banking by replacing unnecessary account fees with perks that benefit our members. That means you can easily open up a savings or checking account with no monthly fees, overdraft protection, no minimum account balance, and even cash back! Our credit union also offers “specialty” accounts like Holiday Club to help make strategic saving a breeze.
We have a Strong History of Serving and Giving Back to the Community
One of the best parts about banking with a credit union is the local impact. We’ve been a not-for-profit institution for 85 years. That means all our profits go back into improving our banking offers and supporting the community.
We run regular raffles and donations, like our Thanksgiving Giving Raffle, to help support local Delaware businesses. We also help support Delaware youth and students through our annual scholarship and free financial literacy software. None of these initiatives would be possible if not for the support of our members.
Choose a Credit Union in Delaware That Prioritizes Service
Since our humble beginnings at the height of the great depression, DEXSTA Federal Credit Union has always strived to keep our members and community at the center of our mission. By offering attainable financial services that are forward-thinking and community-based, we can support the needs of everyone in the Delaware and Maryland Communities.
Learn more about our credit union’s history, and discover our diverse set of loan, credit, and account services.